Friday, October 9, 2015

10.9.15: #FADEorFOLLOW - "Trouble in Gambling Paradise" edition

Left to Right: 20K and JGF

From JGF:

This week there is a major disagreement between myself and 20k over the Michigan vs. Northwestern game.

20k is a marble and a complete moron.  He thinks his Dad is Jim Harbaugh and also that he is the second coming of the Chosen One himself.

I, however, am a genius and a very #pure professional sports gambler.

For the money, you follow the Godfather and take Northwestern +8.  For shame and bankruptcy, you follow lil 20k and take Michigan.

As always, THE CHOICE IS YOURS AND ONLY YOURS.  Just remember:  you follow the Godfather and you'll always find your way home.



p.s. take the under in the Mich/NW game.  BOL

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