Saturday, October 3, 2015

10.3.15: GAMEDAY. Oh You Thought Today Would Be Relaxing?

A nice little Saturday?  Maybe Bed Bath and Beyond?

Wrong.  Wrong:  don't fool yourself.

Today we clock in.  Today we dig inside ourselves and find a passion within our being that our competition can only sit back and admire in defeat.  Today we give absolute--honest to ourselves and our family--relentless effort.  Today we go to bed drained.

Today we work.  Today we win.

"Are they crazy?  I've never seen such intensity.  It's just College Football....."

This is the loser's speech that we want to hear from losers today.  Let us show so much passion on the field that they question their own.  Let us lead:  on the field and off.  Let us show so much TEETH people just can't comprehend it.

"When you step inside those lines you need to become MONSTERS."  - Dan Mullen

HC DM is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to saying the words TEETH.  Not that we care.  We only care that he can rest in the fact that he has monsters on his side.  Road Dawgs:  show him today what a Monster that has his back in the stands looks like.  We are sending ten million aggressive, dominating, positive vibes towards CS today.   Let him see the TEETH.  Let our team see the TEETH.

Time to work.

Time to Run This Town.

Time to WIN.

and Tonight:  Time to rest....victorious.

As 20K and JGF would say:  LET'S GO BABY!!!!!



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