Now hang on let's pitch a tent and camp out on grit for a sec:
grit - (verb) 1. clench (the TEETH), especially in order to keep one's resolve when faced with an unpleasant or painful duty.
Easy to say, harder to do. So how do you pull this off? Just HOW important is grit to life? Let's throwback to a 2011 Wired article on grit:
"WHAT ARE THE causes of success? At first glance, the answer is easy: success is about talent. It’s about being able to do something – hit a baseball, play chess, trade stocks, write a blog – better than most anyone else. That’s a fine answer, but it immediately invites another question: What is talent? How did that person get so good at hitting a baseball or trading stocks? For a long time, talent seemed to be about inheritance, about the blessed set of genes that gave rise to some particular skill. Einstein had the physics gene, Beethoven had the symphony gene, and Tiger Woods (at least until his car crash) had the golf swing gene."
"....these studies suggest that our most important talent is having a talent for working hard, for practicing even when practice isn’t fun. It’s about putting in the hours when we’d rather be watching TV, or drilling ourselves with notecards filled with obscure words instead of getting quizzed by a friend. Success is never easy. That’s why talent requires grit."
So. If a talent for working hard = grit. And grit = a key trait for success, and if we say 'I WILL GIVE RELENTLESS EFFORT EVERYDAY' = cultivating grit, then.......
Dan Mullen = gets it.
This is why we usually win the games we are supposed to under Dan Mullen. He cultivates a character of grit in our student athletes. Sure HC DM is stubborn and drives us crazy, but he's a borderline PHD in Sports Psychology. It's why he's good at running a program. In game coaching decisions? That's for another day.
Grit is why Mississippi State is experiencing success. Coaching grit, student athlete grit, fan grit.
Grit is why Anthony Dixon is still in the NFL and still experiencing success. If Anthony had average grit, he'd have been discarded from the NFL years ago. But he doesn't. He's learned that he's capable of much more when he has a great attitude and incredible grit. Resilient. TEETH. He chooses TEETH everyday. Inspiring.
Here's to our team choosing to show unbelievable TEETH today, and for us the same. Everyday.
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