Thursday, November 26, 2015

11.26.15: Retiring a Winner: One Last Ring

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  So many good things collide during this week, and every two years when The Battle for the Golden Egg comes back to Starkville, it just makes it that much more special.  An SEC Home Super Holiday Weekend.

This year we have much to be thankful for.  Not only the obvious things in front of us on the field, but also for each one of you.

You all are the reason the tailgate has survived another year.  Not just survived but THRIVED.  I'm thankful for everyone of you who has demonstrated your passion for Mississippi State by serving others.  Most notably,  I'm extremely thankful for Adam's leadership in execution of the tailgate week in and week out.  Inspiring dedication, relentless effort, and TEETH.  The effort is unreal, and just awesome.  And I thank Adam and Molly both for that sacrifice.

I recently got a thanksgiving email from a friend (unrelated to MSU) with a quote that started the email:

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
William Arthur Ward

Sounds like a 3rd Tooth to me.  Who knew?

Here's to all of us sharpening that 3rd Tooth not just this day of our lives, but every day.

I'll leave you with a special tribute to Dak and a fallen cowbell in honor of this holiday and giving thanks:

Please ignore the mispronunciation of "namesake" in the video.  Nobody has time for second takes.

And last, I hope that you can join me at the Egg Bowl Bash this Friday night in Starkville at the new Cotton Mill convention center.  I am a co-host with a Bulldog friend from DC who is organizing it, and we hope it will be a good time.  I know it will be if all of you show up.  The Beating Heart of The Junction.

Buy your tickets in advance here:
Enter promo code "TEETH" for an exclusive KL discount.






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