Friday, September 18, 2015

9.18.15 - #FADEorFOLLOW

It's another week and that can only mean another opportunity to drink from the deep wells of wisdom that call themselves 20k and JGF.  TIME TO #FADEorFOLLOW

Left: Thomas Payne aka "Tommy" alias '20k' ; Right: Conway Craig alias 'JGF'

From 20k:

Hey gang. 

Just finished up my Friday morning milk bath and I'm ready to attack this day with the heated passion of a 1,000 hot suns.

"But 20k, what are you doing taking milk baths???" 

Well if you had a gambling weekend like I did you'd be taking milk baths too, using $100 bills as wash cloths, and brushing your teeth with silver dollars.

In two of my respective pick 'em leagues I went a collective 17-3.

Now lets get down to brass tacks....We are riding Kentucky again at home against Florida, and we are riding them large. It's rare for 20k to go back to back picks. But this is where the Wildcats get their big home win they've been looking for. Commonwealth will be hype. 

Kentucky +3.5. Lock it in.



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