Thursday, September 10, 2015

9.10.15: #FADEorFOLLOW (your weekly picks)

Meet tailgate members Tommy Payne (alias '20k', pictured left) and Conway Craig (alias 'Jackson Godfather' aka 'JGF').  These two spend countless hours in the #lab handicapping games and will be providing us with their EXCLUSIVE picks.

Without further hesitation here's the much anticipated advice passed along to me from Conway aka Jackson Godfather aka JGF:

"Week 1 Recap:  we had a pathetic first week going 3-1 and netting around $32k.  Although I'm sitting here fanning myself with $100 bills I'm still f$*king pissed I lost a bet.

But good news for all you morons out there because there's no chance in hell I'll lose again for the remainder of the season.  I've got one guaranteed teaser for this week:

Louisville -2.5
Clemson -7
Georgia -9.5

Please move NOTHING LESS THAN $20k on this play.

"But JGF I don't have $20k I just wanna bet a cute little $20 bill..."

No.  You move $20k and you pay me $5k after you win.  More plays to come in the following weeks.



Well y'all heard the man.  #FADEorFOLLOW #GL #BOL

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